Thursday, January 13, 2011

I just was served TWO big helpings of "I told you so!"...

My husband and friends have been gently pushing me into the world of professional photography for some time now. Don't get me wrong, I just didn't pick up a camera last week, I have been taking photos for friends for their engagements,  weddings, childrens' baptisms,  important birthdays for YEARS now. They have all told me that my photos were better then their 'professional' photographers, but the time just didn't seem to be right for me.  I finally bit the bullet and went Pro a few months ago and have been thrilled with my decision! Please, may I have my first serving of "I told you so...".

About  2 years ago, my parents went to the Mission Inn in Riverside, and told me. "You HAVE to take the boys there - it is amazing." Fast forward 2 years and, in my defense - I DID take the boys there, but only for the Christmas light festival, and we walked the perimeter of the building. 

I recently found a new photo lab and saw an INCREDIBLE photo, and asked the lab owner "WHERE was that taken!?!" He said... "The Mission Inn". (Here come my second helping of "I told you so"). I thought to myself  "oh HERE we go again!" (insert eye-roll). Lucky enough I had a client set up for that upcoming weekend who wanted 'cool buildings'. I gave her a call and asked her if she was up for a little road trip. Thankfully she said yes, and we met at the Mission Inn.

My plan was to get there 1/2 hour earlier then the family so I could scope out some cool places and find the exact same spot I saw in the lab. Can you believe it - they beat me there! They were 1/2 hour early! LOL!  So we took the opportunity to explore the grounds together.

It pretty much turned into a 'choose your own adventure - style photo shoot.' As soon as we found one amazing spot we would say "I wonder what is up here..."  We walked up the spiral- stone staircase we would almost in unison say and "ahhhhhhh.... (insert sound of angels singing here) WOOOOOW! Cooooool!  -THERE would be ANOTHER AMAZING spot. It never stopped, every corner we turned, every level we went up. Each spot was just as amazing as the last!

Here are just a few of the amazing shots from with the Martin Family and the Mission Inn. Enjoy...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh My... I've got a blog! - who woulda thunk!

Seriously, about a year or so ago, I had to 'google' "blog" cuz I had NO idea what the heck it was and now.... geez! I have one! 

Well OK, let's get on with it then!

Ta-da! I'm a professional! I've been taking photographs for as long as I can remember. Well....actually I CAN remember the EXACT moment when I got 'hooked'. I was in the 6th grade and at the end of my parents drive way in Nashua, New Hampshire, - it was the spring time and there was a monarch butterfly just chillin' on the bush. I ran inside grabbed my parents 35 mm Canon camera and snapped away. Little did I know there was black and white film loaded in the camera. (remember film?!?! LOL!). Any way - fast forward a couple of weeks and when I got the prints back -  that was IT! I was IN LOVE! From that moment on, I was a self-proclaimed "Kodak - moment junkie".

I'm pretty sure it would be easier if I could somehow find a way to surgically implant the camera into my body, cuz its pretty much attached to me all the time anyway! I recently took a photoshop and a student next to be brought her camera to class in this big fancy bag. I thought to myself -hmmm, that looks nice, but would be completely useless at my place. I NEVER put my camera away - because with two cute kids and two crazy Goldendoodles running around, the photo possibilities are endless! And anyone who knows me, knows - I pretty much have the philosophy of "if I don't have a picture of it - it didn't happen." So the thought of putting my camera in a bag, pretty much never crosses my mind, of course unless I'm traveling then I become envious of my classmates bag!

Speaking of traveling, I recently went to Tampa to visit my cousin Gemma and meet the newest addition to her family. I luuuuv Jake! He is the cutest 6 month old you could ever meet (except for my kids of course! :-) Well, poor Jake had NO idea what was in store for him once cousin Nicki showed up with her camera - and yes, I traveled with in IN A BAG!  Below are just a few shots of  Mr. Jake and his big sis Reagan.

I also had the pleasure of finally meeting "THE STACEY".  Stacey and Gemma have been friends since high school and for one reason or another we have never had the chance to meet. We fixed that during this trip! Stacey, her mom Lyn and daughter Maddie met us in Downtown Tampa and we had ourselves a fun and funky photo session! Check 'em out!